Monday, January 31, 2011

Upcoming Events!

We have a lot of fundraisers coming up. Some of you may have heard of them but just to give you more information; February 5 & 6 we are having a bake sale in the church lobby, we will have homemade goodies donated by the mission team for you to buy, but you can also donate to help the funds. On February 14 we are having a Valentines Babysitting so you and your Valentine can have an evening without the kids. Some of the people that have volunteered to babysit are, Teresa Mahoney, Stephanie Mahoney, Carol Vrendenburg, Heather Shafer, and myself. You can sign up for the babysitting in the church lobby, and donations are appreciated. We will have the kids split up into age groups with the older kids upstairs. Finally, we are having the Garage Sale February 18 through 19 at 9 to 4 P.M. It will be at the B&D Trailer Building at 1101 S. Comstock Rd. in Sutherlin. Donations will be accepted after February 14.
I hope you get the chance to check them out!

Meeting 1/30

Yesterdays meeting went really well. So far we have had four meetings. Right now we are working on our testimonies. Sanford, who is assisting us with writing them, has been wonderful in giving ideas for writing good testimonies. He had a few people read theirs to the group and so far everybody's sounding good, but I am not anticipating reading mine. After the meeting a few of us talked about the upcoming events which I will tell you more about later. We also discussed the crafts and games for VBS.

In case some of you didn't know, we will be in the San Quintin Valley just south of Ensenada. We will be staying at Todd and Letsy's base, Casa de Luz, and we will be serving at a church near by. With as many people we have going on the mission trip this year we are looking at splitting up into two teams and each team going to a different church, but both teams will still be staying at the same base.

I think everyone is getting more, and more excited and ready to go with each meeting. I personally cannot wait!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

First Blog!

So, this is my first blog, ever! I am completely clueless as to what to say, but I can start by letting all of you know exactly who I am and why I am doing this. First, my name is Kirstyn and I am a freshman in high school. I have recently felt pulled towards journalism and I am looking for all the opportunities I can to get the experience I need. I also love mission trips to Mexico so when I got the chance to author the blog for our mission trip I had to take it up. I guess I should tell you exactly how I got the amazing opportunity though so.

It started at Mission Connections in Portland this year. I had gone to all of the workshops I planned to go to the night before. Towards the end of the night, our group was tired and ready to go home but a few of our members wanted to go to the last workshop they had planned to go to. I wasn't to excited to go because I was hungry and ready to head home and to a Taco Bell! But since a few people wanted to stay I went to the workshop I had randomly chosen, which was titled, 'Finding Your Calling'. I walked into the workshop late and the room was packed. So I headed toward the back of the room to find a seat. I sat through the lesson listening to what the speaker had to say. He was talking about mixing your calling with your passion. My calling is writing and my passion is Mexico. Through the whole hour, he didn't say anything about journalism, so discouraged I asked, 'What about writing?'. Surprisingly he got extremely excited and told me to take every writing class I could and to try to author a blog or write for a newspaper at my church. Motivated and excited, I left the workshop and searched for my mom to tell her about what I had learned and how excited I was to ask our mission trip leaders about it. One of our leaders, Jan, was standing right next to me talking to Carol so when I got the chance I told them about it. They then told me that Jacob was looking for someone to author the blog. After hearing that I got even more excited that God was putting everything right into place.

On the ride home, I couldn't wait to get home to tell my dad but, I was especially excited for Sunday to roll around so I could talk to Jacob about the blog. When Sunday came we just happened to park right next to him and he was out by his vehicle. I later found out that he was getting ready to come find me to ask me. Between then and now he got me hooked up with the blog and a Gmail account and now I am writing my first blog,(let me know how I do).

I am so excited to continue to write and prepare for Mexico. I am also happy to be part of keeping everyone updated on what is going on. I can't wait to write more and get better because I know I probably have a lot of work to do(:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ramping up! Oh the Excitement!

Welcome to our new Sutherlin Family Church Mexico Missions Blog. We are putting this blog together for you to help you feel more a part of this mission and keep up to date from start to finish. We had our first meeting on January 9th, 2011. which was last Sunday of this post. Excitement filled the air as we kicked off the first meeting diving write in with Spanish worship. Oh boy...... Not exactly a choir but we did surprisingly well for the first time. 

I hope to have many follow along with us on this blog. As new information comes we will do our best to keep you informed. We have many fundraiser activities you won't want to miss out on. Dates, times, and places will be posted as soon as they are finalized. For now feel free to get a glimpse of the Casa De luz base we will be staying at as well as some of the projects/activities we will do. Check out there site and learn more. Maybe you do not attend Sutherlin Family Church but are interested in helping your church family gett involved on a short term missions trip. You can Contact Go Missions to Mexico via the link above. Check out the short video below.